Saturday, January 23, 2010

Lookin' for Some Southern Trails

As you can see by my Winter Trails post, I appreciate a good, brisk trail outing as much as the next guy. Come November, December, even into January, I enjoy slapping on some warm clothes (I'd say muckalucks, but I have no idea what those are.), donning a pair of warm boots, and sliding along a scenic cross-country ski trail or plowing through hip-deep snow atop a pair of old fashioned snowshoes.
But we're coming to the end of January and sailing full tilt toward February and guess what. The novelty of  fresh powder and crisp air is wearing thin. Unhitch the dogs from the sled, it's time for some warm weather. I'm longing for a warm day on a sunny southern trail.
Don't get me wrong, I'd love to visit the Ashuelot Rail Trail in New Hampshire, the Hiawatha Trail in Idaho or the Boulder Creek Path in Colorado. But not now. Not in the midst of winter. I want sunshine, shorts, and a hankerin' for an ice-cold root beer rather than a pipin' hot cocoa.
The worst part is, I'll probably have to wait over two months for my dream to come true. In March, I fly into Birmingham, Alabama to check out trails in Georgia and Alabama.  Then in April, I'm off to New Orleans to try out some Louisiana trails & Mississippi paths. I look forward to it, but I'd prefer not to be looking forward to it with binoculars. March and April seem to be a long ways off.
Let's see.... the bright side?  Oh yeah, I have plenty of time to research. So if any of you have any ideas for great trails down south, please leave a comment/post/suggestion on this blog. I'm dyin' to hear from you. I'd just to prefer to be dying of heat frustration rather than hypothermia about now.


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