Monday, December 28, 2009

Winter Trails

Winter is definitely in the air. The high is only in the thirties and we had a beautiful white Christmas.
For the most part, that's good news. It provides much-needed water for our plants & reservoirs and it's gorgeous.
But what about our beloved trails. The snow certainly crimps our bicycling, hiking, & trail-running activities. But it also brings new ways to enjoy the trails. Personally, I look forward to the change of pace and scenery provided by snowshoeing and cross-country skiing. It's like discovering a new trail. Plus, it opens up new territory that is otherwise off-limits. For example, the open-space and golf course off my beloved Coal Creek Trail are normally verboten. And technically, even after a snow they aren't completely copacetic for illegitimate recreational activities. But what the hey! No one seems to really care, or, if they do, their access to the scofflaws is a bit hindered by the white stuff.
In addition to being ascetically pleasing and great exercise, nordic skiing and snowshoeing are also low impact. So as far as the snow goes, bring it on.

Out of curiosity, I'd like to know what the rest of you think of winter trails. Do you welcome the cold weather or spend the winter months longing for spring? As always, I would enjoy hearing from you. Become a follower and add some comments to this discussion/topic.


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